Lonely, No, not Lonely

   Now, that Thanksgiving is over, we generally turn our attention to Christmas.  We get busy putting up Christmas decorations, trying to get caught up with buying presents, and spending more time listening to great Christmas music.  Since we are in a special season, I thought that I would take a little break from writing messages in my blog and instead – feature some Christian Poetry.  Over the next month or so, I am going to post a new poem that I have written or one that a family member or extended family member has written.

   This first poem is one that I loved from the first time that I read it.  My wife and I were visiting her sister in her hometown in Iowa and we came across a book of various writings that their grandmother had written.  As we looked through the book, we found a couple of poems that she had written, that I thought were tremendous!  I am very happy to share them with you.


   The first poem this month is entitled “Lonely, No not Lonely” and it was written by Sara (Sadie) Caroline Dawson Record in 1940.


   There is so much about this poem that I love.  I love the way that she mentions about the many benefits of having a personal relationship with Jesus.  She mentions fulfilment, companionship, strength, encouragement, joy, friendship, and more.  I love the way that she points out that as a believer – it is hard not to be saddened and disappointed with the sin that is in the world.  Her line “Saddened? Ah, yes saddened.  By earth’s deep sin and woe.  How can I count as nothing, what grieved my Savior so.” Is a great commentary on how we should feel about the sin around us.  It reminds me of the verse in Matthew and how Jesus was looking over the city and was saddened by their sin.


"Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and stone the messengers God has sent you! How many times I wanted to put my arms around all your people, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not let me!

(Matt. 23:7 GNB)


   I loved her line that said “Waiting, Oh yes, waiting.  He bade me watch and wait.  I only wonder often, why my Lord so late.”  I love her honesty about wondering why the Lord had not yet come back during her lifetime.  I think that the longer that you know the Lord and read the Bible – the more excitement you have about His return.  But, just like her, we need to be patient.

   She had another great statement “Happy? Yes, so happy, with joy too deep for words.”  I absolutely love this statement about how having the Lord inside us gives us an incredible inner joy that sometimes is just a little too hard for words!  I hope that you have experienced the euphoria that comes from knowing God… and being known by Him.


“You love him, although you have not seen him, and you believe in him, although you do not now see him. So, you rejoice with a great and glorious joy which words cannot express, because you are receiving the salvation of your souls, which is the purpose of your faith in him.”

(1 Peter 1:8,9 GNB)

   I hope you have enjoyed this week’s poem.  Stay tuned for a new poem each week through Christmas.



Written by Lee Malden           2022

For more information: email lmalden@hotmail.com


These are my thoughts today, what do you think?  Please leave me a response or email me and I would be happy to hear your thoughts.



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