To the Least of These ...


“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

(Matt. 25:40 KJV) 

   Someone once told me about a dating technique.  They said that if you want to see how a person really is – don’t just see how they are around you and your friends, but also notice how they treat the waiter, the grocery clerk, or the customer service rep.  The people around you; who sometimes go unnoticed, and may not be treated as kindly as people in other positions of life.  The way that they treat them, might give you an insight into how they might eventually treat you.  I think that this is a good way to also see how we are doing in our Christian maturity.  How are we treating the people around us that are quietly doing their jobs but are often verbally mistreated by society?  That is the message of this post.  How are you treating the… least of these?


   During the height of the COVID pandemic in America, the jobs of “essential workers”, became much more noticed by society.  We may not have noticed the people behind the scenes that drove the trucks to deliver the goods or stocked the shelves to help provide us the things that we needed to sustain life before the pandemic, but we sure appreciated them more when those tasks became much harder to perform.  Thank you for all you do.  Thank you especially, if you are working in a job that does not get the recognition that more public positions get.  Please know that God notices your efforts.  Paul encouraged us in 1st Corinthians 15:59 “So then, my dear friends, stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord's service is ever useless” (GNB).

  Some Christians think that when you need to call someone to discuss a bill, an appointment, or a challenging issue – that it is ok to raise your voice, use harsh words, or criticize.  I have heard a number of people say that you have to act this way in order to get them to do what you want them to do.  I would challenge you to talk to people the same way that you would talk to the Lord.  I think that you would be surprised what you can accomplish with a kind question or calm determined approach!  I know that I have already talked about this subject in another blog called “Biblical Encouragement to use Wholesome Language”, but I wanted to mention language again because this can be a situation when you think that it is ok to let your language slip.  We would benefit by remembering the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:36 “I can guarantee that on judgment day people will have to give an account of every careless word they say” (GW).

   The holiday season is coming up and a lot of people have jobs that will be a little more stressful and a little harder during this season.  It would be a great time for us to put this principle into practice and let God’s Spirit guide our words and actions, instead of the sinful nature inside us that can often rear its ugly head and cause us to be a little short with people.  It might even be a great idea to pass on a kind word and maybe even a compliment to people who traditionally hear our worst.  God bless you as you remember that in the sight of God – we are all valued and loved.



Written by Lee Malden  2022

For more information: email


These are my thoughts today, what do you think?  Please leave me a response or email me and I would be happy to hear your thoughts.



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