Secret Investments

   I once heard a story of a very rich lady who was able to retire at a young age.  A reporter asked her how she had gotten so rich?  What was her secret?  She said that she had an investment strategy that worked well for her.  She said that when she was younger, she wanted to buy some stocks but didn’t know which ones to buy.  She decided to use the alphabet.  So, she first bought stocks that started with an “A” and bought Apple and AT&T, and Amazon, then she bought stocks that started with a “B” and bought Bank of America, Best Buy, and Boeing, and then she bought stocks that started with a “C” and so on. A very simple strategy that worked very well for her.

  There are a lot of “secret” investment strategies out there.  Some may work… and some may not.  Even the stocks mentioned above may not be the best investment for the future.  We just don’t know what the future may hold.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:34 “Don’t worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own.”  Because of the temporariness of life - Jesus encouraged people to place their priorities on spiritual things. So, rather than try and give you some secret investment strategies in material things – here are some “secret” investment strategies you could make in your spiritual life.

   I was reading what Jesus said in “The Sermon on the Mount” in Matthew chapter 6 and noticed that He mentioned three things in a row that involved doing something in secret.  Starting in verse one, Jesus encourages us to give to the needy in secret, pray in secret, and to fast in secret.  He tells us that if we do these things in secret – then God will reward us in heaven, and He will even reward us openly in this life!  Let’s talk for a few minutes about these “secret” investments and the value of doing things that most people do not see you doing.


So, whenever you give to the poor, don't blow a trumpet before you like the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets so that they will be praised by people. I tell you with certainty, they have their full reward! But when you give to the poor, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your giving may be done in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." 

(Mtt.6:2-4 GNB)


   There is an important principle in this chapter.  The principle is the value of doing things for God without people noticing.  Sadly, many times when we do good things – we naturally want to broadcast it to others.  Whenever I see someone going out of their way to make sure people notice what they are doing – I think to myself that they have probably short-circuited their reward in heaven.  Too many times preachers will give a message about being blessed now and being prosperous now and being rewarded now.  Jesus spent a lot of His time trying to motivate us to place a lot of value on doing things in such a way that our primary motive is to be rewarded by God in Heaven and NOT just to be paid back in the here and now!  Jesus said in verse twenty of this chapter, to “store up treasures for yourself in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy”.

   I know that there is value in doing things in public sometimes, but I think that should be the exception and not the rule.  We should be very hesitant to let people know that we are giving to the needy, we should pray far more in private than we do in public, and when we fast to try and get closer to God – we should try our best to not let anyone know that we are skipping a meal.


“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites! They love to stand up and pray in the houses of worship and on the street corners so that everyone will see them. I assure you; they have already been paid in full.  But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.”

(Mtt. 6:5-6 GNB)


   Jesus encouraged us to pray mostly “in secret”.  When I was pastoring a Church years ago, I was praying a lot in public in the service.  I was aware of this principle, so I tried to pray far more in secret than I did in public.  I do not think that the Lord is against praying in public but wants us to invest more of our time in praying in such a way that only the Lord knows that we are praying.  There are a lot of benefits to praying in private.  We can be more open and honest when we are talking to God in private.  There may be some things that we would be gossiping about if we mentioned them in public, but we can take them to God in prayer when we are alone with Him.  There may be some things that we should not talk about in front of others, but we should discuss them one on one with the Lord.  Have you discovered the value of praying in secret?  Have you seen the Lord bless you when you have made private prayer a practice?  I can most certainly testify that doing things in secret is well worth the effort.


“And when you fast, do not put on a sad face as the hypocrites do. They neglect their appearance so that everyone will see that they are fasting. I assure you; they have already been paid in full.  When you go without food, wash your face, and comb your hair, so that others cannot know that you are fasting---only your Father, who is unseen, will know. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.”

(Mtt. 6:16-18 GNB)


   Have you discovered the value of skipping a meal or two, or three?  There seems to be a lot written on the physical and mental values of skipping a meal from time to time.  It is great to do things with a quick payback, but what Jesus is trying to get us to do with each of these secret investments is to do things that may or may not have an immediate payback.  He wants us to be motivated to do things that have a payback many years in the future.  He wants us to do things for a heavenly payback.  I think that waiting to get our payback in heaven, teaches us to practice self-denial.  I think that it is our selfish nature to want the recognition now and it helps us build spiritual maturing and patience to wait and get our ultimate recognition from God.  When you give in secret, pray in secret, and fast in secret – then you are laying up treasures in heaven.  That is a great thing you can do.

   When you do things just for the recognition of God, it is remarkable that God will bless you not just in heaven, but in this life also.  That is the wonderful paradox of the Christian life.  We put things in this life second to God and then put our faith in Him to take care of us.  We deny ourselves and follow Him and He shows us that when we do that, He takes care of all of our needs.  What a blessing to know God and put His words into practice and find value in these “secret” investments.


Written by Lee Malden           2022

For more information: email


These are my thoughts today, what do you think?  Please leave me a response or email me and I would be happy to hear your thoughts.




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