Power... to Become


    The Church that I attend recently went through a series of messages where they talked about some words in the Bible and their Greek background.  This reminded me of some Greek words that I have learned about over the years that I dearly love!  As you may or may not know, the New Testament was originally written in Greek and Aramaic.  From what I understand – the Greek language is a very descriptive language, and it can be challenging to try and translate a Greek thought into just one English word.   Sometimes the Greek word can even represent a small story.  That is why I like to read the Bible using various versions.  I feel like the versions of the Bible are like looking at a large diamond.  As you turn the diamond, you see the light glistening from different angles.  As I read the various versions of the Bible (King James Version, New International Version, New Living Translation, Amplified Bible, Living Bible, or The Message) just to name a few, I love seeing different sides of that diamond.  I would love to share some of those Greek words that I have learned about, with you.

      One of the first Greek words is from one of my favorite verses in the Bible.  It is John 1:11 and 12. 


He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on his name. (KJV)


   There are a number of reasons why I love this verse so much.  I have used this verse when I am talking to someone about coming to Christ and being born again and they say to me… “oh yeah, I believe in Jesus.”  I want to make sure that they are a true Christian, so I will ask them if they have ever “received” Jesus into their life.  I tell them that it is like believing that a chair will hold you, but never actually sitting in it.  It is important to believe in Jesus, but it is also important to act upon that belief by praying and asking Him to come into your life.  Another wonderful thing about this verse that is so important is that Jesus offers people things that no other religion offers you!  Jesus was willing to die on a cross to pay the penalty for your sin (which no other religious leaders claim to have done), but Jesus also offers to come into your life and give you the ability to do what He asks you to do.  This is so awesome!  Can you imagine?  Not only did Jesus live an incredibly awesome, loving, caring, forgiving, godly life, but He will give you the ability to do the same.  Other religious leaders may have taught their people to do some good things, but only Jesus offers to give you the actual ability to do them.

    The Greek word in this passage is the word EXOUSIA.  The word means “ability, privilege, force, capacity, competency, freedom, influence, authority, liberty, power, right and strength.”  Since most of the versions of the Bible try to just translate the Greek word into just one English word, you may not have caught the overall meaning, but this is a very powerful word.  We have the right, the ability, the authority, the power, and the strength to become a child of God.  This is an awesome truth.  I know enough about the Christian life to know that our success as a Christian is almost purely dependent on our ability to deny ourselves and let the Spirit of Christ live through us.   He gives us all we need.


   I was watching a video of Jeff Foxworthy and his Blue-Collar Comedy Tour, and I heard one of the comedians tell a story that I thought was an illustration of this Greek word.  Ron White was talking about a time that he had gone to New York City and had gone out and was drinking and his drinking was causing him to be disruptive and he was asked to leave. They had called the cops on him, and they were going to arrest him for being drunk in public.  He made the comment that “he had the right to remain silent… but he didn’t have the ability!” 

   Sorry to have used this type of illustration, and I do follow the exhortation of the Bible to not get drunk, I just thought that this was a funny way to remember that in the Lord, we have the right… and we have the ability.



   The Lord is telling us that if we come to Him and rely on Him, then He will give us everything we need to live for Him.  It seems to me that one of the most important things that we need to learn how to do is to relax and rely on Him.  So many times, we try to do difficult things in our own strength.  It is only after we fail a time or two that we realize that we need to stop and ask the Lord to give us the power, strength, and ability to live the life that He wants us to live.  He patiently waits for us to do just that.


Do and live the law commands But gives me neither feet nor hands. 

A better word the gospel brings, It bids me fly…

but gives me wings!

- attributed to John Bunyan




Written by Lee Malden  2022

For more information: email lmalden@hotmail.com


These are my thoughts today, what do you think?  Please leave me a response or email me and I would be happy to hear your thoughts.




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