Overcoming the Enemies of a Christian - Enemy #2: Self




    I heard a poem years ago that I think clearly describes the next enemy in the parable of the Sower.  I was not able to find it on the net, so I will label it as anonymous for now.

An Enemy

An enemy I had whose scene, I stately strove to know.

For hard he dug my steps unseen wherever I might go.

My plans he balked, my aims he foiled, he stopped my onward way.

When for some stately goal I strove – he quickly said me “nay”.

Come forth I cried, lay bare thy guise. Thy features I would see.

But always to my straining eyes, he dwelt in mystery.

One night I seized and held him fast, the veil from him did draw.

And gazed upon his face at last, and lo… myself I saw!


   I apologize for not writing on my blog very frequently.  Just like you, I have to deal with the busyness of life, the challenges of staying encouraged, and other things that come in my path. I know that it is quite a challenge to try and offer some advice for overcoming the enemies that we face as Christians, and I would love for you to add your constructive inputs to this discussion.

   In our story from Matthew 13, and verses 5 & 6, it states “Other seeds were planted on rocky ground, where there was little soil.  The plants sprouted quickly because the soil wasn't deep. But when the sun came up they were scorched. They withered because their roots weren't deep enough. In verse 20 it reads the seed planted on rocky ground is the person who hears the word and accepts it at once with joy since he doesn't have any roots, he lasts only for a little while when suffering or persecution comes along because of the word he immediately falls from faith” (God’s Word translation)

   The problem with the first seed that was sown by the farmer was that it fell on hard ground and stayed on the surface and the birds of the air snatched them up.  In that case, the enemy was an external enemy.  The birds of the air were an example of the demonic attack that tries to steal spiritual truth from our hearts and minds.  The problem this time is an internal enemy.  The problem is with the soil itself. The soil was too shallow.

   We talked last time about what happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve.  When they gave in to the satanic temptation to disobey God – the Bible says that when they chose to disobey God – they would die (Genesis 3:3).  When they ate from the tree that was in the middle of the garden they did not die “physically”, but they immediately died “spiritually”.  They lost their spiritual relationship with God.  They became embarrassed, convicted, ashamed, and they ran and hid from God, rather than fellowshipping with Him in the garden.  Romans 5:12 tells us “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; And so, death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” Every person since Adam and Eve now is born with a sinful nature.  The Bible refers to this nature as “self”, “the fallen nature”, the “Adamic nature”, “the flesh”.   

    Before we talk about the solution to overcoming the fallen nature - let me illustrate the concepts of the human predicament.  The big circle below represents your life.  The Bible tells us that we are triune beings.  We have a spirit, soul, and body.  They are illustrated by the 3 concentric circles. 

Image by Lee Malden


   When Adam and Eve sinned, the Holy Spirit left their spirit and their nature changed from being innocent to being sinful and fallen, and a void was left in their heart.

Image by Lee Malden


   God created a resolution for the predicament of mankind.  He drove Adam and Eve out of the garden so they would not live forever in a fallen state, and then He set into motion the plan of the ages!  The Bible says that at the perfect time, Christ came to provide a means to restore spiritual fellowship with mankind.  He came to show us how to live a life in communion with our Heavenly Father and by His death – He paid the penalty for our sin, by dying on the cross.  He now invites every person to admit they're in a sinful state, rely on Him for salvation and forgiveness, and invite Him into their life.  When you do this – you become a new creation in Christ!

Image by Lee Malden


  I want you to notice that even though you are given a new nature in Christ when you are spiritually reborn as a Christian, you still have the old nature.  We will be freed from the old nature once we die and go to heaven.  Until then we are asked by the Bible to not give in to our old sinful nature, but to respond by the new nature in Christ.  Listen to the words of Paul in 1st Corinthians 9:27 “But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when I preach to others, I myself should be a castaway.” Jesus said in Matthew 16:24 “If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

   I’ve got a question for you.  If we have two natures inside of us as Christians, which one will have the greater influence in our lives?  This is an important question to consider.  As Christians, we have a great opportunity to accomplish spiritual victories, if we do not allow the fallen nature to influence us.  Someone once said that if you want to know which nature will win – it is the one that you feed the most! 

   How do you feed the new nature?  You feed it by reading the Bible and Allowing the Bible to get into your heart.  You feed the new nature by putting the principles of the Bible into practice.  You feed the new nature by not letting the old nature determine how you respond to the circumstances of life, but you let the new nature motivate your response.  You feed the new nature by getting together with other like-minded believers and learning how they have been able to do it. 

   How do you feed the old nature?  I guess that is a very easy answer.  Our fallen nature is our default response. The fallen nature is often the strongest motivation within us. You will more than likely follow the sinful nature if you follow the pattern that most people follow around you.  Most of the media gives you examples of how to respond to the fallen nature.   

   We need to be patient and to allow the Spirit of God to help us determine how we respond to the situations of life from the new nature. We need to make a concerted effort to feed our minds on better things and not respond so quickly and allow the nature of Christ to guide us. 

An Enemy

An enemy I had whose scene, I finally came to know.

For many years he dug my steps, wherever I would go.

My plans he balked, my aims he foiled, he stopped my onward way.

But Christ came to give me power, to quietly tell him “Nay”.

Come forth I cried, lay bare thy guise. Thy failures I would see.

I bowed my head, opened my heart, and in Christ I became free.

That night I seized and held him fast, the power from him did draw.

And gazed upon a new nature at last… and lo, The Lord I saw!



Written by Lee Malden  2022

For more information: email lmalden@hotmail.com


These are my thoughts today, what do you think?  Please leave me a response or email me and I would be happy to hear your thoughts.




  1. Very good poem and explanation of the three parts of man! Thanks


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