Is There Life on Other Planets? A Biblical Answer.

Is there Life

on Other Planets?

   A number of years ago there was an internet site that would allow you to have your own website for free and even had a number of webpage templates that you could use to build a pretty good looking site.  I had the idea that I would use my site as a Christian witness and began to develop pages with various topics that I had studied over the years. One of the pages that I developed that inspired a lot of discussions was a page discussing some biblical reasons why human life did NOT exist on other planets.  I based the study on a question that I asked God many years before about this same subject and started viewing the Bible verses from that perspective.  I would like to present that discussion in this paper.  Maybe it will inspire you to take a different look at this very popular subject.

   If you were to ask Hollywood if there was life on other planets, they would give a resounding YES!   They have made millions of dollars portraying this idea in countless movies.  Pictured above are some of the modern-day alien character inventions that have been fed to worldwide audiences.  Some of them are gentle in nature, some of them cross the border very quickly between science fiction to horror!  I guess you could say that in the absence of any actual physical account of alien life – then people’s imaginations can run wild as to what this life might look like.   Why is the world fascinated with this idea?  Why has this idea continued to remain popular even though NO actual evidence has ever been found to justify it?  Is there a purpose behind this indoctrination? 

   NASA has justified spending billions and billions of dollars with the desperate desire to discover life somewhere other than earth.   I am sure that there have been some side benefits of the exploration of space, but the driving force behind it, maybe ridiculously unfounded.

   Most Christians understand that if a person does not acknowledge and accept the Lord Jesus – then almost anything else in their life can try and take the place of God in the person’s life.  I think that part of the fascination with finding other life is because they have NOT found the spiritual dimension to life that has been offered by Christ and still have a desire for the “Great Unknown”. 

   I think that we as Christians sometimes get caught up with what the world is following and start to go along with the crowd.  I would challenge us to wonder if the reason why we are so convinced of this subject – is because we have bought into the teachings that have been marketed to us as “entertainment”.  Do you realize the teaching power of the media?  Do you really realize how your principles and ideas and beliefs can be affected and influenced by the media?  Well, that is a lesson for another day, but for now – let’s get back to the subject at hand.

   Does the Bible have anything to say about this subject?  I don’t know about you, but every time a new subject comes up in my life, I very frequently think about what the Bible has to say about it.  Sometimes the Bible is very clear about what stance we should take.  The Bible has a very clear direction on Drunkenness, Homosexuality, Adultery, Murder, Theft, and many other subjects.  There have been other subjects that have come up, that the Bible provides some guiding principles, but does not give an actual description.  An example of this is whether a Christian should smoke cigarettes?  There is not a verse in the Bible that specifically talks about whether to use cigarettes or not, but there is a verse that says that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and that we should not defame the temple.  We could, then, use this to show that it is probably not a good idea to smoke.  I think that taking into account the addictive quality and destructive consequences of using tobacco, would also motivate most Christians to avoid its use.   I would like you to consider that type of principle when addressing this subject… so, let’s begin.  I would like to give you a list of ideas that are based on biblical passages that would encourage you to NOT follow the idea of life on other planets.  Please read the list all the way through and see if it doesn’t appeal to the nature of Christ within you

   (#1) In the book of Genesis in the Bible, Moses gives a detailed account of God’s creation of the universe.  He describes God creating the earth and in Chapter 1 and verse 14 through 18 he describes God creating the rest of the universe including the Sun, the moon, and the stars.  The rest of the account of creation talks about God creating plant, animal, and then human life on earth.  This account of creation gives NO mention of God creating life other than on planet earth.  So, if you hold to the account of creation mentioned in the Bible – then you are not given any reason to believe that God created life on other planets.  Considering the dramatic effects that there being life on other planets might have –would a loving God withhold this kind of information from us… and He didn’t.

   (#2) If you continue to read in the book of Genesis, you will read about the account of God creating Adam and Eve and their decision to disobey God and the consequences of their actions.  In Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15 God puts a plan of action into place that will one day cost the life of His Son.  It states “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed (Satan) and her seed (Eve) and it (Jesus – born of a woman) shall bruise thy head (provide a fatal blow to Satan), and thou shall bruise his heel (cause him to be killed).  This prophecy was fulfilled in Christ.  Jesus offered his life and suffered and died in order to provide a way for mankind to be restored to the relationship that Adam and Eve lost due to their sinful choice to disobey God.  What would be the purpose of God repeating this action on another planet?  If God were to create someone with a “free will”, then this test would be repeated again and again?  What is the purpose?  If the failure of Adam and Eve was so costly to God – why would He ever want to repeat it?  Now, a loving God (and He is), would be willing to repeat it, but several verses in the Bible state very clearly that Christ would die ONCE for sin.  If there was life on other planets, then the possibility would exist for this need and would contradict this verse.  If you want to hold to the idea that Christ would have to suffer again for the sinful nature of a free-willed creation, then you may be belittling the pain that Jesus went through to purchase our salvation.

   (#3) In the book of Romans and chapter 6, verse 10 states “For in that he died unto sin once; but in that he lived, he lived unto God.”  This verse states that Jesus died ONCE for sin.  If God did repeat this experiment on another planet – then Jesus would need to die again and this would violate this verse.  God states that His Word will never be violated.  This is also mentioned in (Hebrew 7:27), and (1 Peter 3:18).

   (#4) The Bible clearly shows that there are two invisible forces in the world.  There is the spiritual forces of God and his Angels and the spiritual forces of Satan and his demons.  It is very clear from scripture that the characterization of the spiritual forces of God is peace and joy.  Whenever the Angels are allowed to appear to mankind, the first words out of their mouth are “Fear not!”  When the Lord appeared to Abram his said “Fear Not” (Genesis 15:1), when the Angel of God appeared to Hagar, the first words were “Fear not”, (Genesis 21:17), and when the Angels appeared to Mary, and to Joseph, and to the Shepherds, the first words out of their mouth was “Fear not.”

   On the other hand, the spiritual forces of Satan are characterized over and over again in fear and terror and evil and harm.  

   If someone on earth experiences some sort of “alien” appearance and the event is characterized by fear and darkness and dread, and terror, then it should be pretty obvious which forces are behind the event.

   (#5) God has created us to be intelligent and logical and reasonable people.  Think a minute about this thought.  Imagine if there was an alien race of people that were intelligent enough to develop the technology to transport themselves across the vast universe to reach earth… do you think that for one minute they would spend their time bothering a bunch of farm folks on the back roads of Kentucky or Oklahoma, or do you think that they would instead land and knock-on the door of the Whitehouse, or the Kremlin, or Parliament?  Are you kidding me?  Wouldn’t shining a bright light and shaking some backwoods fellas downright disprove their intelligence?  And wouldn’t our believing that these people had an actual alien encounter disprove ours!

   (#6)  In his book The Late Great Planet Earth, Hal Lindsey (who is a great Christian teacher and who was an extremely popular Christian author of the 1970s) stated a reason why our world is so fascinated by the idea of alien life.  He thought that when Christians are removed from the earth in the future biblical event known as the Rapture – that the devil will convince the world that the event was accomplished by aliens and not orchestrated by God.  At the time I thought that this was farfetched, but as the days go by, I think that it might actually be a way for the devil to deceive quite a lot of people.

   (#7) In Isaiah, it states that the Devil decided to rebel against God, and was cast out of heaven and sent to the earth (Isaiah 14 starting with verse 12).  In Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 2 Satan is called the “prince and power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience.”  The devil was cast out of heaven and allowed to influence the earth for a short period of time.   This might explain the extremely few UFO events that cannot be shown to be of human origin.

   (#8) The book of Revelation not only described demonic activity on the earth but predicts that it will increase in the end times.  There will be more of this type of activity and you need to understand its source.  (Revelation 20:7, 16:14, 2:10, 12:12)

   (#9) The idea of ET life may be the Devil’s way of distracting people from the more important matters of life and we are told to be careful of distractions.  (Hebrews 12:1-3)

   (#10) The idea stirs a lot of imagination with NO facts to enforce and the Bible condemns vain (invaluable) imaginations.  (Genesis 6:5, 8:21, Romans1:21)

   (#11) Most portrayals of ET life are centered around the baser traits of man, which the Bible describes as sin and we are asked to repent and forsake them, not to be entertained by them.

   I have described for you the danger of being indoctrinated by the media of the world to believe that there is life on other planets.  I have provided some biblical reasons why you should consider believing what this life really is.  If I was on a back road out in the country and I pulled up to a stop sign and a bright light shined in my face and the stop sign and my van started shaking, I think that I would stop a minute and if I didn’t hear “Fear not”, then I would rebuke it in the name of Jesus and that would be the end of that.

   Please stop spending your time, energy, and money on this fanciful subject, and instead, spend your time thinking about the true realities found in Jesus.  (Philippians 4:8) “Finally, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are right, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think about these things. 

Written by Lee Malden  2014

For more information: email


These are my thoughts today, what do you think?  Please leave me a response or email me and I would be happy to hear your thoughts.



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