
Showing posts from January, 2021

All Relationships Must Grow

  All Relationships Must Grow    It is not only important to start a relationship with Jesus, but like any other relationship on earth, that relationship must continually grow in order to remain healthy and flourishing.   The relationship that we have with our parents naturally changes and grows over time.   The friendships that we have with a few close people in our life can become extremely helpful as they grow over time.   The relationship that we may establish with the opposite sex will either grow in one direction or the other.   It may develop as friends or, over a period, it may develop toward a marriage.   Even married couples need to develop and grow as a couple as time passes.   Our relationship at work with our supervisor, employees, or co-workers also grows over time.   Just about every relationship we have grows over time.   If for some reason, a relationship becomes stagnant and does not grow, then it will more than likely end, or become very unhealthy.   All healthy

Faith and the Great Blondin

Faith & The Great Blondin       When someone says that they believe in Jesus, it can mean so many different things.   It is important to know exactly what it means to have “saving” faith in Jesus and to be sure that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.   One way to illustrate “saving” faith is by the request of a famous tight rope walker whose name was “The Great Blondin”.     As a Christian, I have gone witnessing door to door a number of times.   When I first started talking to people about Jesus and becoming a Christian, there were a lot of people that would say “Oh, yea, I believe in Jesus.”   When they said this, there was something inside that made me feel that even though they were saying the right words, that they may not be saved.   I think that some people think that to believe in Jesus is more of an intellectual statement.   They are saying that they are aware of the facts and events that surround the life of Jesus and His death.   This is like a pers

Is There Life on Other Planets? A Biblical Answer.

Is there Life on Other Planets?    A number of years ago there was an internet site that would allow you to have your own website for free and even had a number of webpage templates that you could use to build a pretty good looking site.   I had the idea that I would use my site as a Christian witness and began to develop pages with various topics that I had studied over the years.   One of the pages that I developed that inspired a lot of discussions was a page discussing some biblical reasons why human life did NOT exist on other planets.   I based the study on a question that I asked God many years before about this same subject and started viewing the Bible verses from that perspective.   I would like to present that discussion in this paper.   Maybe it will inspire you to take a different look at this very popular subject.    If you were to ask Hollywood if there was life on other planets, they would give a resounding YES!    They have made millions of dollars portrayin