What Brought me to Christ


What brought me to Christ many years ago?

   In July of 1976, I had the most important life changing experience that one could ever have.  I became a Christian.  I was spiritually born-again.  I invited Christ to be the Lord of my life.

   It has been thirty-eight years ago, but I still remember that day and how much my life has changed since that time.  I think that a lot of people that meet me now have little idea how much of a different person than I am.  I have a tattoo on my arm that I got a few months before this experience and that is just a glimpse of the man I once was.   

   I would like to describe for you in this paper what was going on in my life that would motivate me to come to Jesus.

   I would like to give you a little bit of background about my life.  I was raised in a family that went to Church.  I describe the Church as teaching a “Social Gospel”.  They would teach a little bit about the Bible, but not the radical, life-changing, dramatic life that Jesus taught and lived.  People would go to Church there on Sundays and perform their religious observances, but during the week it seemed that God played little role in their lives.  So, I was casually aware of what the Bible said, but not in a very impactful way.

   I was also raised in a home that practiced discipline and punishment.  I remember being spank by my dad many times and quite often it would cross the line from punishment to abuse.  I think that since this was a part of my upbringing, I think that I had a little bit stronger conscience than most kids.  Since my dad was so harsh; after I graduated High School, I found a way to get out of the house and joined the Air Force.

   The first year and a half of my military experience was very adventurous to me.  I traveled from basic training in San Antonio, to tech school in Denver to my first assignment in Goldsboro, North Carolina.  Once I was stationed there, the military settled into more of a regular Monday through Friday job.  When I first went into the Military I enjoyed it so much that I thought that I would stay in and make it my career.  That is one of the reasons that I had gotten the tattoo (that, along with being tempted by a drunken dare).  After a while, the newness of my job wore off and it became a lot less adventurous and exciting as it once was.  I began to supplement my life by going to the base clubs to drink and try to get up the courage to ask a lady to dance.  I would drink beer by the pitchers and would often have a lot of trouble making my way back to the barracks. 

   Having a strong conscience does not keep you from doing something wrong… but it sure makes you feel bad afterward!  I remember feeling so bad about it the next day that I would tear up my club card and tell myself that I wasn’t going to go back… but I remember taping it back together and was on my way to becoming an alcoholic.

   I was also a serious smoker.  I started smoking in high school and continued in the Military.  In fact, anytime I am in a meeting and they have a short break, I remember hearing “Smoke” em if you have em”.  I heard this very often in the Air Force.   I also felt that it was wrong to smoke, but it was a hard addiction to break and I didn’t seem to have enough will power to overcome it.

   It was during these days in North Carolina that I began to think “There has got to be more to life than just eating, and working, and sleeping, and playing”.  I felt that there had to be more to life than what I was living.  I began to start reading some books about some religious ideas.  I was in to “Transcendental meditation (TM)” for a while.  I remember going out into the woods and humming and meditating.  It was a form of eastern mysticism that had been packaged to the American public in a more intellectual box.  This was kind of weird to have been involved in and did NOT satisfy my search for fulfillment and satisfaction.  I personally believe that you can go and experiment with various religious thoughts, but it will never satisfy you like the Christian life can, and when it is all said and done – you will still be searching for something else.

   Since I had been raised to go to Church, I decided to visit a few of the Churches around the base.  I remember finding fault with each of them.  I was like the man with a smelly mustache and everywhere he went he kept thinking “This place sure stinks!” not realizing that it was him that stunk.  I realized later that the problem was with me.  I saw a poster on the bulletin board on the base Chapel that was inviting people from the base to attend a weekend retreat about the Christian life that was sponsored by a group called Campus Crusade for Christ.  I had tried a number of other things, so I thought that I would give this a try.

   It was during that weekend retreat in July of 1976 that I had the most powerful, important, experience of my life!  During this weekend retreat, I came to understand more of what it meant to be a Christian.  They used some diagrams to explain the principles of the Bible and since I am more of a visually-oriented person – I picked up on it very well.


   The circles above are what motivated me to become a Christian.  The top circle shows “Natural Man”.  The circle represents the person’s life and the throne in the center shows the seat of authority.  The smaller circles around the throne represent the goals, attitudes, character, habits, relationships, activities of our life.  This shows how we are all born into this world.  We are at the center of our lives and God is outside the circle and as a result, the things in our life do not have the order and meaning, and purpose that we are created to have.  

   The next circle shows “Carnal Man” where Christ has been invited into your life, but “self”, or “ego” is still on the throne and the person may be experiencing some improvement in their life, but their life is not as fulfilled as it can be.

   The last circle represents “Spiritual Man” and shows that when we dethrone "self" and allow Jesus to be the Lord, the director, the Manager of our life – then our life will be dramatically better and we can experience His power to live our lives.  The smaller circles show direction, fulfillment, and purpose.  I made the decision from my heart that weekend to allow the Lord Jesus to become the Lord of my life.

   I remember coming back to the base from that retreat feeling absolutely wonderful inside!  It was like an alcoholic high, without the hangover the next day!  I felt so good inside that I began to talk to other people about how the Lord was helping me.  Believe it or not – the Lord immediately gave me a couple of wonderful gifts.  The first one was that He took away my addiction to cigarettes.  I realized after a week or so that I had not been smoking... the Lord had helped me stop.  No patch, no gum, so resolutions, just the power of God.  The other gift was that I felt so good inside that I began to think of the alcohol as a cheap substitute for the real thing.  Why would I want to go out and drink, when I felt so euphoric inside?

   Within a few short weeks, the Lord had helped me to change a number of destructive habits.  I stopped using the foul language that was so common in high school and the military.  I began to try and use normal English to communicate what I was feeling.  I began to have different interests in music, and movies, and T.V.  The people around me were absolutely shocked by the changes.  I even went back to visit a local Church and really enjoyed it and realized that most of my issues with the Church… were real issues with me.

   A number of years later I was using poetry and song to communicate my Christian ideas and wrote a song that I entitled “I came to You”.  The song was about what led me to Jesus and began the wonderful journey of a life with Him.  Here are a few of the words.

Lord, I came to you, when I was empty

And you said to me, that you would fill me.

Lord, I came to you, when I was hurting

And you said to me, that you’d heal me.

Lord, I came to you when I needed direction

And you said to me, to follow You.

So many places, that I might have gone.

So many people, that I might have known,

But when I found you, Lord, I found a reason for living

When I found you, Lord – you made my life brand new.

(Words by Lee Malden)

   When I came to Christ, I was looking for a resolution to a violated conscience, I was looking for something more that the day in day out routine of life, I was looking for fulfillment.  I had search out a little bit in the religious world, but when I bowed my head and invited the Lord Jesus Christ to take up residence on the throne of my heart and life – I experienced what the Bible calls being “Born Again”.  In the third chapter of the book of John in the Bible Jesus tells a very religious man that unless he is “Born Again”, he will never see the kingdom of heaven.

   Maybe you have some of the very same things going on in your life that was in mine.  You could find the permanent answer to every issue of life in Jesus Christ.

Written by Lee Malden – lmalden@hotmail.com   2020

These are my thoughts today, what do you think?  Please leave me a response, or email me and I would be happy to hear your thoughts.


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