
Showing posts from December, 2023

Gift#4: Inner Strength

     I hope you are having a great day again today.   I am continuing with my series on gifts, and I have a few more gifts from God to talk about.   Again, I apologize for not writing blogs as often as I normally have in the past.    The next gift that I would like to talk about is another completely wonderful, awesome gift!   It is the gift of God’s strength during difficult times!   Life is often full of challenging times.   Some of the difficult challenges that we have in our life are caused by our own bad choices, some are caused by the bad choices of others, and some occur simply because we live in a fallen world.   I talked about a number of difficulties that I have endured in my life in the book that I was able to write called “ Recalculating, Redirecting ”.    I wrote that book to let people know of my struggles in life.   I think that whenever someone is involved in some sort of public ministry like I have done in the past, people may think that they consider themselves to