
Showing posts from November, 2023

Gift #3: The Bible

     I hope you are having a great day today.   I am continuing with my series on gifts, and I have a few more gifts to talk about.   Again, I apologize for not writing blogs as often as I normally have in the past. The next gift that I would like to talk about is another completely wonderful, awesome gift!   It is the gift of the Bible!   When I first became a Christian, the believers at a Church that I was attending at the time (Mount Olive Baptist Church in Goldsboro North Carolina) taught me that I needed to become a disciple of Jesus and develop disciplines in my life.   The four disciplines that they encouraged me to develop was Prayer, Bible study, Worship, and Witnessing.   Now that it is forty-seven years later, I am very thankful that I had those disciplines in my life!   I would like to encourage you to develop these disciplines in your life.   There are so many benefits to reading the Bible on a regular basis and I would like to go into detail on a few of those reas