Gift #1 Assurance of Heaven
I hope you are having a great day today. For those of you that have gotten a little attached to my blogs, sorry that I have not been writing as consistently as you may like. I sometimes battle with feeling “worthy” of giving out any kind of advice, or encouragement. To combat some of this – I generally stay away from subjects that I may not have had the best successes with. One thing that I do have is a number of years of having a personal, mutual relationship with God in Jesus Christ. If you have read my blogs about my testimony, you will remember that I became a born-again Christian in 1976. Since that time, I have thought a lot about the wonderful gifts that God has given to me and to everyone who knows Him. That is the subject of this post and a few posts to come. The first gift that I would like to talk about is a completely wonderful, fantastic, awesome gift! It is the gift of knowing for ...