
Showing posts from March, 2021

Biblical Encouragement to use Wholesome Language

  Biblical Encouragement for: Wholesome Language    It is quite common in our society to hear a wide variety of words that seem very harsh and inappropriate.   Sometimes the language is often accompanied by a high sense of emotion.   Sometimes the language is clear evidence of impatience and anger of the speaker.    When we become Christians, the Lord begins to change us from the inside, little by little.   One of the things that He often begins with, is our language.   Does the Bible say anything about our use of language?   Does it matter what comes out of our mouth?   That is the subject of this paper.        Let’s look at a few verses in the Bible that talk about our use of language. Matthew 12:34 “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth    speaks.”      Your speech can say a lot about what is in your heart.   Maybe your language is an indication that the Lord is not in as much control, as you think? Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come ou

How's that Working for You?

  How’s that Working for You?         My older sister uses this phrase quite often when talking about the actions of other people.   I think that it is a great idea to stop and look at your life objectively and ask yourself “How is what I am doing working for me?”   That choice that I made a few months ago, “How is that working for me?”   We have a lot of ideas about life and eternity.   We sometimes think that we have it all figured out, but I think from time to time, we would benefit from stopping and saying to ourselves and others “How is that working for me?”   “How are my ideas, my beliefs, my thoughts, … how are they working for me?”   Mike Tyson is quoted as saying “Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.”   We make a lot of plans, but we need to stop every once in a while and take an objective look.      I think that this can be an important principle in spiritual areas also.   We can come up with a lot of ideas of the nature of man, the existence a