Winning like a Pentathlete!

Winning Like a Pentathlete The Modern pentathlon is actually a variation of late 19th-century military training. It involves 5 events: fencing, pistol shooting, swimming, cross country running, and horse riding. The idea was to test an athlete in a number of areas to see if they were able to go beyond their physical skills and resources and tap into their moral qualities. As believers in Jesus Christ, it is important to remember that we must grow in multiple areas. We need to grow in our personal relationship with the Lord, which is the most important, but we also need to grow in other areas of life. That is the message of this paper. The Bible compares our Christian life to an athlete. Read the message in 1 st Corinthians 9:24-27 from God’s Word translation. “ Don't you realize that everyone who runs in a race runs to win, but only one runner gets the prize? Run ...