
Showing posts from November, 2020

J-e-sus Witness!

  J-e-sus Witness!     There are many names for God in the Bible.   They all reveal another aspect of His greatness, His Glory, and the wonderful ways that He relates to mankind.   Of all of the names for God – there is absolutely one name that stands out FAR above all of the others.   The purpose of this paper is to explore some of the names for God in the Bible and explore why the name of Jesus is the one to get excited about, the one to build an organization on, the one to dedicate yourself to declaring! This is the only name that is worth “Crossing mountain and valley to make a convert!” The beautiful, matchless, powerful name… of Jesus is the only name to get radical about.   That is why I consider myself a J-e-sus Witness (say it with a bit of an H sound before the e).     In 1978 I was attending a small Bible College in San Antonio Texas and was out getting my hair cut.   I had only been a Christian for a couple of years and was only in my first year of Bible College.  

Jesus is the Answer... for the World

  Jesus is the Answer    I had become a Christian while I was in the U.S. Air Force and was stationed in North Carolina.   I was just getting started in my Christian life when I did something that was either dumb, or directed, depending on how you looked at it.   When you were in the military during those days, they would periodically send around a sheet for you to look at and decide where in the world you would be willing to be relocated.   It would list quite a few countries in the world that had an AF Base that you could put in for.   Of course, most guys would be sure and pick out Germany, and Hawaii, and places like that.   For some reason, I checked that I would be willing to go to the Middle East.      Maybe I thought about the time that I had lived in the country of Turkey when I was a kid when my dad was stationed there in the Military and I didn’t have too many bad memories about that experience.   For whatever reason, I picked it along with a number of other countries.

Mr. Machine and God's Esteem

Mr. Machine    I think it was 1962 when my parents bought me a Mr. Machine Robot toy for Christmas.   This was a cool little toy for that time period.   It had a wind up mechanism that would move the robot across the room and every few seconds it would open its mouth and make a short whistle noise.   It might seem pretty simple these days, but it kept me entertained for a while.   I played with it for a number of weeks and as I did, I kept looking at the transparent body and all the gears inside.   I think that even as a young 6 year old I really had a big curiosity to know how things worked and being able to see all those gears really intrigued me.   One day my curiosity got the best of me and I found a way to pop that thing apart to get a good look at how it worked.    When I broke the rivets open all those gears went all over the floor.   I was shocked as to how many there were and how they all had fit into that body.   The only problem is that after I played with all the gears


  “Moments”       We never know which moment will be our last.   What if you were driving and this is what you saw in front of you?   Would you re-evaluate your life at that moment, or would you be wonderfully glad that you have given this moment and every other moment already over to God?       There are a lot of moments that we might quickly ask for God to be involved.   The soldier on the battlefield, sunk deep in the foxhole and surrounded by the enemy will often call out to God “Lord if you will get me through this, I will serve you the rest of my life.”   The heartbroken husband or wife who just found out that the person that they had trusted has been found unfaithful, might cry out to God to help them through that heart-wrenching moment and through the many difficult moments to come.   There are many serious moments of life where we realize our limitations and the gravity of the moment and we reach out to the Lord to help us through it.   When we cry out to Him, the Lord J